代表者紹介 Masanori Nishiyama
データが導く最適な医療を。Data-Driven Optimal Care
There is no country with a healthcare system as intricately designed as ours. Supported by a detailed fee-for-service and drug pricing system, healthcare expenses are upheld under the national health insurance system, providing equitable medical services to our citizens. Furthermore, new medical technologies, medicines, and medical materials have been introduced and evaluated promptly, not only in Western countries but also in Asian nations. No other country has been able to establish such a system.
様々な疾患に対応していく。Dealing with various diseases
However, to continue developing such a framework, it is essential to collect, store, and analyze various data related to individual medical procedures, medicines, and medical materials. Currently, iRIMS has constructed and analyzed a database of over 3,580,000 patients at the individual patient level. Through this database, we continue to explore optimal medical approaches for various diseases. Skilled data analysts work tirelessly each day to maintain and enhance our world-renowned healthcare system. For instance, comparing data before and after changes in fee-for-service reimbursement contributes to the formulation of future business strategies for medical institutions. Additionally, data regarding the transition of new drugs from existing medications and the timing of such transitions lead to the development of new drugs.
地域差のない医療提供を目指す。Aiming to provide medical care without regional differences

Interacting with patients who are human beings, just like the doctors themselves, remains the responsibility of healthcare professionals. We must never forget the significance of "humans treating other humans." Our role is to support this endeavor. In the future, we will collect data comprehensively, minimize regional disparities, and engage in detailed analyses of differences between clinics and hospitals. In today's globalized healthcare landscape, international comparisons of prescription patterns for new drugs are also crucial. Through the provision of accurate healthcare information reflecting these clinical realities, we strive for the improvement of healthcare quality.
西山 正徳 MASANORI Nishiyama
- 1950年東京生
- 慶應義塾大学医学部
- 東海大学工学部建築学科卒
- 厚生労働省老健局老人保健課長
- 厚生労働省保険局医療課長
- 防衛庁防衛参事官
- 厚生労働省技術統括審議官
- 厚生労働省健康局長を歴任
- DPC の企画導入
- 中医協調査専門組織の創設
- 防衛医学の振興
- 新型インフルエンザ法案の設立
- 日中韓医療協力事業の立ち上げ等に尽力
- born in 1950, Tokyo
- Keio University, Faculty of Medicine
- Tokai University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture
- Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare: Health and Welfare Bureau for the Elderly, Division of the Health for the Elderly / Section Manager
- Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare: Health Insurance Bureau, Medical Economics Division / Section Manager
- Ministry of Defense: Counselor for Defense Affairs
- Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare: Director - General for Technical Affairs
- Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare: Head of Health Service Bureau
- Planning and implementation of DPC
- Establishment of the professional research team in Central Social Insurance Medical Council
- Promotion of preventive medicine
- Establishment of a bill regarding pandemic influenza
- Contributed to the establishment of a medical partnership project between Japan, China, and Korea